
Your team may do a stellar job, but if your business tools are old or don't work well, it ultimately leads to a negative impact.

This is where <medium>IT consulting services come into play.<medium>

In this post we will explain:

  • what is IT consulting and what does it include
  • main advantages of hiring an external IT consulting company
  • hints and tips on how to choose the right IT consulting partner

IT consulting is more than giving advice

According to Statista, spending on IT services is expected to amount to around USD 1.2 trillion globally by the end of 2021. This is 9.8 % more than the previous year, and it's one more argument in favor of the fact that <medium>IT services are one of the fastest-growing IT industry segments<medium> in terms of year-over-year growth.

From fledgling startups to Fortune 500 giants, companies of all sizes use IT consulting services, and the demand continues to grow. <medium>New technologies and business models are introduced and businesses seek advantages<medium> to get ahead of the competition.

Your team may do a stellar job, but if your business tools are inefficient or don't work well, it ultimately leads to a negative impact. Here is where IT consulting comes into play.


Let's focus on types of planning in accordance with Gartner IT Glossary.


Why are consulting sessions valuable?

what is it consulting

IT consulting is meant to help companies achieve greater success through suitable technologies, intelligent use of data, and deep insight into their business goals.

In this block, we've briefly described some <medium>types of IT consulting services.<medium>


IT consulting is not only the best solution for non-tech-savvy businesses.

Two heads are better than one. A trusted IT consulting partner is kind of a guard for your business — it <medium>gives you an outside take on your operations, helps to focus on your core business functions, and, finally, reduces risks.<medium> As well as it provides:



What are the best questions ask IT consultant

Have you decided your business finally needs an IT consultant? First, get referrals for IT consulting firms from colleagues, business partners, and social media connections. Determine what issue you need help with, is it a short-term or ongoing concern; what is a general range for your budget.

<medium>Here is a checklist of questions for IT consulting companies you can use:<medium>

  • How much experience does the company have in general?
  • How much experience do they have with your domain?
  • Have they worked on similar projects/systems/software before?
  • What industry certifications do they have, and how up-to-date are those?
  • Are they vendor-authorized? (is a team trained to meet a specific vendor's standards)
  • Who will be you be working with — a consultant, a business analytic, or a technical specialist?
  • Are they fluent in the language you speak?
  • How often will the consultant meet with you, and what channels do they use?
  • Do they provide training for you and your team after new technology is introduced?
  • What are the payment terms?
  • How are the fees set (hourly, per project, etc.)?
  • How are unforeseen costs handled and billed?
  • Do they have liability insurance? What guarantees do they provide? How are you compensated if the last are not met?
  • How do they respond to emergencies?

Pay attention to <medium>how much time the IT consulting firm representatives spent on the response.<medium> How quick and thoughtful are these responses? Is this company proactive? (not to be confused with annoying!)

In good communication we trust. Firstly, it's about:


Where to look for IT consulting company and how to choose

The client is always looking for a trustworthу service provider who can provide a fully-fledged IT consulting process.

Where to entrust your product development is particularly important due to differences in several aspects. Let's highlight them briefly.


Based on the goals you have in place already, then you research to discover IT consulting agencies that fit your plans and budget the best.

<medium>Where to look for the best IT consulting firm and how not to be mistaken?<medium>

how to find an IT consulting firm

The most popular searching channels are:

When the shortlist of ≈10 consulting companies is ready, you can switch to the process of optimizing your list and carry out the 'filtering' of applicants. There are some <medium>main criteria you should note:<medium>




Once you have found consulting agencies that match your requirements, the next step is to evaluate them.


Get in touch

After researching consulting agencies you prefer, the next step would be to have a physical meeting or a video call.

The aim is to understand the company's work conditions and agree on the most crucial details, including:

  • Necessary clarifications regarding tech background
  • Rough cost estimation
  • Rough time estimation
  • Failure response

From consulting to collaboration - Freshcode case

From day-to-day management to top-level support, Freshcode is on-hand to help, working towards your business improvement.

We want to share a story about our collaboration with HiRasmus, the digital platform providing access to specialized medical care via eConsultation.

Our partnership started as <medium>consulting, which subsequently developed into a comprehensive collaboration.<medium>


Here are the <medium>main reasons why the client needed an IT consultant<medium> to solve his business challenges.

Client's business pain points =  reasons for searching IT consultant


We handled consulting service in the following communication channels:

Over time, the project has expanded and grown. <medium>Together we drew up a business plan that helped get funding and bring on new business partners.<medium> Today HiRasmus is a HIPAA-compliant app that provides access to the leading autism treatment programs and specialists for children.

For 9 years now Freshcode has been helping organizations to improve and modernize their IT strategies. Some of our IT experts have worked in the industry for over 15 years. This has allowed us to craft a profitable approach to IT consulting that enables us to deliver maximum benefits in the shortest possible time.

it consulting services


Today is the best time to reevaluate your existing business tools and replace outdated and inefficient ones.

A professional IT consulting company should be a multifunctional and 'full-stack' partner providing <medium>the right services at the right time<medium> for the partners' product growth.

We at Freshcode are ready to enrich your workflow and improve productivity with digital technologies, delivering greater business results. Our team provides a <medium>full-service package of assistance for IT projects<medium> – we plan, design, implement and continuously support technology-powered solutions.

Do you want to discover more digital solutions for your business as well as ways to implement them through consulting services?

The Freshcode team is ready to help and discuss all possible opportunities in confidence. Book a free consultation here.


What are IT consulting services?

IT consulting includes a wide ring of services, from the advisory stage to the implementation of a strategy of leveraging the suitable technologies for positive business line modification:

  • Software ideation
  • Project design
  • Software architecture design
  • Software integration
  • Software cybersecurity & compliance
  • Maintenance and support

Why do you need IT consulting?

Impactful IT consulting rely on cooperation between the client and the IT firm. These services help businesses to

  • implement tech strategies and market solutions to achieve business-IT alignment
  • drive max value from the current initiatives
  • boost profit

Decade-long expertise of IT consulting partner and deep tech background allow you to create a comprehensive IT strategy.

Is IT consultations free?

Initial IT consultation with a Freshcode representative helps a potential client to gain a better understanding of his/her IT needs and details about the collaboration with our company.

The first conversation is free and allows you to get basic recommendations of how to solve your business challenges.

To know the price of customized IT consulting and outsourcing services provided by Freshcode, please, contact us.

Build Your Team
with Freshcode
Alexandra Lozovyuk
Content Strategist

With a passion for technology, business ideas and storytelling, bridges the gap between technical concepts and engaging narratives. Writes catchy texts and explores design and marketing trends to find the best experiences to implement.

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