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Building a JavaScript Team: Freshcode’s Experience

Building a JavaScript Team: Freshcode’s Experience

July 31, 2024
6 min read
Vladyslav Bodnia
Chief Service Delivery Officer
Sofiia Yurkevska
Content Writer

Assembling and nurturing a top-notch JavaScript team is both an art and a science. At Freshcode, we've navigated the choppy waters of talent acquisition, remote team management, and continuous growth in the ever-evolving JavaScript landscape. Drawing from our hands-on experience and proven success, we're excited to share our blueprint for building a JavaScript dream team. Whether starting from scratch or looking to elevate your existing team, this guide offers battle-tested strategies that we've refined within our own walls.

Challenges in hiring JavaScript developers

The highly competitive JavaScript developer market challenges companies seeking top expertise and candidates. With the infamous 2023 layoffs and the rise of Generative AI permeating every sphere, including recruitment, the challenges in question became even more widespread. But what are they? We faced these issues:

Resume inflation
The high competition in the market steers candidates into exaggerating their experience to stand out.
AI abuse
Some applicants might use AI tools to enhance their applications or interview responses. While GenAI is a useful and recognized tool for simplifying routine tasks, it may also create an opportunity for misuse.
Niche specialists influx
The market is seeing an influx of highly specialized candidates who have worked in a single role for extended periods, creating more competition.

We recognize these challenges but have developed effective strategies to navigate them. As an experienced IT company, we've implemented robust screening processes beyond surface-level evaluations. 

Qualities to look for in a JavaScript developer

We've observed three main hurdles in the current market: resume inflation, misuse of AI in applications, and an influx of highly specialized candidates. These challenges prompted us to rethink our hiring process.

Our approach now balances technical prowess with soft skills and adaptability. We look for developers who write great code, communicate effectively, and thrive in collaborative environments.

Here's what we've found works:

Look beyond the resume
We engage candidates in discussions about real-world problems, observing their problem-solving approach rather than just focusing on their listed skills. While technical tests have their place, we've found that discussing a candidate's actual project contributions reveals much more. Ask about challenges they've overcome, efficiencies they've introduced, or features they're particularly proud of developing.
Value diverse experience
A JavaScript developer who's worked on various projects often brings fresh perspectives and adaptable skills. We've found that these versatile professionals can more effectively navigate unexpected challenges. Don't just count years; explore the variety and depth of a candidate's project history.
Assess soft skills early
We incorporate communication and teamwork evaluations from the start, not just as an afterthought. We've seen projects flourish when led by developers who communicate effectively and work well in teams. Look for candidates who can explain complex concepts simply and show enthusiasm for collaborative problem-solving.
Emphasize continuous learning
The tech world never stands still, and neither should your developers. The best candidates are passionate about staying updated with the latest trends and technologies. We've had great success with candidates passionate about staying updated with the latest trends and technologies. This curiosity often translates into innovative solutions for our clients.
For senior roles, seek leadership potential
We look for developers who can architect solutions that grow with the business. Leadership qualities are invaluable even for non-managerial roles as well. Developers who've mentored others or led small teams often excel at taking initiative and driving projects forward. These individuals can become your future tech leaders.

Our hiring process has evolved into more of a dialogue. We encourage candidates to ask questions and share ideas about how they can contribute to our team. This approach has led to better team fit, higher job satisfaction and better results for our clients.

Freshcode Tip
The goal isn't just to fill a position — it's to find a valuable team member who will contribute to your company's long-term success. You can build a resilient, adaptable, and innovative development team by balancing technical skills with human factors.

Setting up an interview process

After possible pitfalls and preferable developer qualities, the final puzzle piece is structuring your interview process. At Freshcode, we've developed a flexible approach that addresses these challenges and spotlights the crucial attributes we've discussed.

Drawing from our earlier insights, here's how you can tailor your interviews to find JavaScript developers who excel technically and align with your team:

Start with a focused technical discussion. Instead of generic coding tests, we love to present a recent project challenge and ask candidates to walk us through their approach. This reveals their problem-solving style and technical depth in a relevant context.
Conduct a pair programming exercise. This exercise simulates real work conditions and shows how candidates collaborate, communicate, and adapt in real-time.
For more senior roles, you can pose a system design question. Candidates sketch out their solutions, explaining their choices. This showcases their ability to think at scale and consider various trade-offs.
Discuss your work culture, team dynamics, and the candidate's career aspirations. This two-way dialogue helps ensure mutual fit beyond just technical skills.
Ask candidates to share a recent technology or technique they've learned and explain its potential impact on their work. This will highlight their passion for continuous learning and industry awareness.

The key is flexibility. Use all these elements for a senior role or just two or three for a junior position. The goal is to create an informative interview experience for you and the candidate.

Building a remote work environment

After setting up a solid interview process, the next challenge is fostering strong cultural alignment and maintaining effective communication, especially in remote work environments. At Freshcode, we've found these strategies particularly effective:

Feedback and community
Communicate project objectives, deadlines, and individual responsibilities. Ensure all team members understand their roles within the larger project context.
Implement regular feedback loops to address concerns and improve processes.
Schedule frequent one-on-one and team meetings to maintain connection. Consider virtual team-building activities to strengthen relationships.
Environment and operations
Stay updated with the latest technologies that facilitate seamless collaboration and information sharing. The right tools can bridge the gap in remote settings.
Train project managers to effectively lead remote teams. Develop strategies to accommodate different time zones and work preferences.
Freshcode Tip
Focusing on these areas can create a cohesive remote work environment that supports effective communication and strong cultural alignment. This approach enhances project outcomes and increases your remote JavaScript developers' job satisfaction and retention rates.

Nurturing your JavaScript team

You've navigated the hiring maze, assembled a stellar team, and set up a thriving remote work environment. But in the JavaScript world, standing still is moving backward. At Freshcode, we've learned that the journey doesn't end with hiring - it's where the real adventure begins. We've cultivated strategies to help our JavaScript talent grow, flourish, and bear fruit. Here's our recipe for turning promising developers into JavaScript virtuosos:

Foster a learning culture
Allocate dedicated time and resources for professional development. Provide access to online learning platforms, workshops, and conferences. Encourage developers to pursue relevant certifications that align with your project needs.
Pair senior and junior developers in a structured mentorship program. Encourage knowledge transfer and skill development through one-on-one guidance. Rotate mentorship roles to spread expertise across the team.
Keep a company-specific technology radar for the JavaScript ecosystem. Review and update it regularly to reflect industry trends. Use it as a guide for adopting new technologies in projects.
Build a vibrant developer community
Create an internal JavaScript community within your organization. Organize regular meetups, tech talks, and knowledge-sharing sessions. Distribute a periodic internal tech digest highlighting new trends and best practices.
Organize internal hackathons focused on new JavaScript technologies. Encourage experimentation with cutting-edge tools and frameworks. Reward innovative solutions and share learnings across the team.
Support participation in open-source JavaScript projects. Allocate time for developers to contribute to community-driven initiatives. Recognize and celebrate contributions to the wider JavaScript ecosystem.
Diversify Experience and Exposure
Strategically assign developers to varied projects. Expose team members to different industries and technical challenges. Encourage the application of new technologies in appropriate client projects.
Facilitate knowledge exchange between JavaScript developers and other tech teams. Organize cross-training sessions to broaden developers' perspectives.

Creating an environment of continuous growth keeps your JavaScript developers at the cutting edge of their field, enhances job satisfaction, improves retention, and delivers more value to your clients through advanced, efficient solutions.


Building and maintaining a high-performing JavaScript team is an ongoing journey, not a destination. We've implemented each strategy discussed in this article, continuously refining our approach based on real-world results. We've seen firsthand how these practices transform promising developers into JavaScript virtuosos, fostering an environment of innovation, growth, and job satisfaction.

But don't just take our word for it. We encourage you to adapt these strategies to your unique context and experience the difference. Start small, iterate often, and watch your JavaScript team flourish.

Are you ready to take your JavaScript team to the next level but unsure where to begin? Or are you looking for a partner who's already mastered these practices? We'll be happy to chat. Let's explore how our approach can help you build, grow, or augment your JavaScript team.


At Freshcode, we keep a diverse pool of JavaScript specialists with varied framework experiences. This lets us quickly adjust team composition for projects requiring specific JS skills, like React, Vue, or Node.js experts.

Our streamlined process includes sharing our JS coding standards and project-specific documentation and pairing new developers with experienced team members to transfer knowledge on our JavaScript stack and practices.

We implement a clear escalation process for addressing conflicts and train our project managers in conflict resolution techniques specific to remote teams. Proactive communication is key in preventing and resolving issues.

We use analogies and visual aids to explain complex JS concepts. For instance, we might compare different frameworks to building tools, helping clients understand the impact of technical decisions on their projects.

We utilize project management tools to track issues and their resolution. Additionally, we implement version control and code review processes to minimize conflicts in development.

We advocate for a "hivemind" approach. Encourage collaboration across teams to tackle problems beyond a single developer's expertise. This collective problem-solving often leads to more innovative and comprehensive solutions.

We allocate time for learning new JS features, frameworks, and tools. Our team regularly participates in JavaScript conferences and workshops, and we have an internal knowledge-sharing program focused on emerging trends in the JS ecosystem.

Build Your Team
with Freshcode
Vladyslav Bodnia
Chief Service Delivery Officer

With a rich background in software development, Vlad leads our team to ensure the highest standards of quality.

Sofiia Yurkevska
Content Writer

Infodumper, storyteller and linguist in love with programming - what a mixture for your guide to the technology landscape!

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